Being Beloved

All the Life and Work Given To You.

Katherine Mansfield while ill was writing in her diary reasons to stay alive, she wrote: “Now Katherine, what do you mean by health? And what do you want it for? Answer: By health I mean the power to live a full, adult, living, breathing, life in close contact with those I love… Then I want […]

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When Body, Mind, Soul Become Body, Spirit, Soul

I’ve always been fascinated by the placement of the soul. I have had so many questions about it and I think through reading the Bible, and reading the words of others that seem wiser than me on the topic, I am developing an understanding of this mysterious soul. We are born with a soul, it […]

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Focus When Confronted With Should

First let’s make sure we understand the word should. The definition of should is: 1.indicates obligation, duty, or correctness, typically when criticizing someone’s actions. 2. used to indicate what is probable. A should is like a child’s floating device in the water. You feel secure, light and floating along, you are probably not going to […]

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When I first became a Christian, around 15 years old, I remember hearing a lot about changing your life to be more Christ-like. Before I rushed into any big change I thought I would ask God to be specific. So, I prayed He would show me an area where I needed change. I was reading […]

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Focused VS. Simplified

I have to admit in some ways I love minimalist, simplicity, eating farm to table, the capsule wardrobe. There is a classic elegance, a graceful way of living when we are able to say that nothing else is needed. When one candle on the table is enough. Just a few perfect flowers in a vase. […]

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