The question was, “How do God’s Sovereign ways encourage me?” My first thought was His Sovereignty instead of encouraging was confusing me. I am reading, This Beautiful Truth by Sarah Clarkson. The subtitle is, How God’s Goodness Breaks Into Our Darkness. This book opens up the idea that we were never created to live with […]
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Sense of Sight In A Season Of Intention
There are those things that seem to happen by default. If no intention is set the usual thing happens. Where there is no vision the people perish, this is what Solomon taught us in his Proverbs. There are certain things we each know will get done, no matter what, they will just get done. The […]
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Come Before Winter
It is the first of December. The end of the year. December seems slow and tempts me with thoughts of joining in the fun of winding down, celebrating an anniversary, filling my oven with chocolate chip cookies, listening to Christmas music, walking outside where the air feels crisp and clear. December does not lack its […]
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Being Beloved On The Journey
I want to remember why I started writing within this space. Beneath the heading, Being Beloved. It has been three years now. Three years so far of walks and talks, reading words, and writing about it all. I think I started this for myself, to keep track of what I see as God’s love marking […]
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Knowing And Doing What Is Good
Over the weekend I participated in a writers retreat. It was with the writing community, Flourish Writers, that I have been a member of for the last year and a half. A writing community is truly a blessing. I highly recommend being in one if you are writer. At the same time I was learning […]
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The Peace of the Ever-Present God
I read this verse this morning and my first thought was an image of a man floating in the ocean at night after a shipwreck. There are some saints I feel a little safer trying to imitate. I would never pick Paul. A man content in any circumstance. A man who needed to be blind […]
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The Unraveling Of The Day
Because sometimes I don’t know how my day needs to unravel until I begin my conversation with my heavenly Father. What will He reveal? Often it is the same thing from Thursday or the same things that were revealed on a random January afternoon. I am on this path of loving Him. And if I […]
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Love Deeply
I’m sure we have all come across people that have knowledge and they even act upon that knowledge. They help the needy and the poor. They know the laws and can probably recite them. They are eager to die for Jesus. But a lot like Peter and the disciples after him proclaimed: Peter said to […]
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If I Walk Into The Bramble
It is not that God hides his path from us, He does not take us down pathways only to leave us there with nothing but an intersection ahead. I imagine God standing there on the main path watching me as I run into some beautiful meadow and pick flowers to take home and put in […]
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