Noticing Snow on Autumn Leaves
Then Moses said, “I will now turn aside and see this great sight, why the bush does not burn.” Exodus 3:3
Once Moses stepped aside, THEN God spoke. To walk slow enough, to not ignore and simply walk past things that catch our attention. Can I be childlike and let God distract me? maybe never with a burning bush but maybe snow on Autumn leaves not yet fallen because creation knows it”s not yet time.
But even more practical today, normal everyday life. I know right now He is doing something with my new work, with my new obedient heart. At times the last weeks God has led me through reading words to wait and watch what He is doing. Other times lately I feel led to work through the next right thing giving my anxieties to God. To not rush what God is doing nor hinder Him and my own soul by taking to long to do what is asked. As long as He knows I am here.
I am here and I am taking up space, boldly and confidently clicking away with a camera on an October day capturing beautiful things that seem like miracles but most definitely are not, they are just simple beautiful things He has created for me if I choose to accept the gift and let it change me in some way. This is a little closer to being the miracle….