Being Beloved

Focus When Confronted With Should

Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. - Galatians 5:1

First let’s make sure we understand the word should. The definition of should is: 1.indicates obligation, duty, or correctness, typically when criticizing someone’s actions. 2. used to indicate what is probable.

A should is like a child’s floating device in the water. You feel secure, light and floating along, you are probably not going to sink but you are also not going to swim. You are safe because you are following all the rules. The probable outcome is it may be nice for awhile. Relaxing in the water with the sun shining down. But it is a false sense of security.

It will get a little boring as you float along. You’ll miss out on holding your breath and diving deep soaring through water that makes your limbs feel light. Fast and free. But you will be safe, won’t you?

The truth is a should confines us to the designated area, like the top of water or the shallow end of the pool. When we say we should do something because this action will have this certain consequence. Are we focusing on whether or not our deeper self really wants to do it or are we pretending we want to because everyone else is saying it is your duty and obligation?

If we are pursuing a life of living in the Father’s love and we are desiring the work He has designed for us to do, then this question is of the upmost importance. Shoulds need to be looked at and contemplated. A should is a lack of desire. A lack of desire for what God wants to show us or give us.

Filter the should through the love of God. This is the only way to the truth of whether this should-should be let go of, or more importantly our heart needs a change. Sometimes the mind needs to be renewed. Maybe the should is a fork in the road or a red flag being raised to warn of a sickness of soul or body that is creeping in.

Focus is the antidote. Let God change your heart to where the should is actually a desired action or be wise and let the shoulds that do not come from God go. A should should never remain just a should because that is a meaningless show, a waste of a learning experience. We are free in Christ to decide.

It’s okay to not wear the floaty. To swim out into the deeper waters, to find out all that is unknown and maybe feared. That doing things afraid, I think it is called courage. Focus a moment when you tell yourself or someone else tells you that you should do something. Practice discernment then decide.


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