Month: January 2020
When it feels like there are a hundred things that press down, what if I resolutely uninvited them. Excluded them as I would any other enemy of my soul. The hundred things that need to be done, humble me as I conclude that maybe only one or two of these things has actually been asked […]
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This morning I read this:…if you are going on with God, the only thing that is clear to you and the only thing God intends to be clear, is the way He deals with our own soul. -Oswald Chambers After reading I looked out my window and saw the deep fog. I grabbed my new […]
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The last couple of years I’ve left behind the ritual of making New Year resolutions for something more vague yet focused which is a weird combination. Just a word or two, maybe a short sentence. I don’t really set all the particulars. It’s just a word to keep in mind as I make decisions in […]
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