As the deer thirsts for streams of water, so I thirst for you, dear God. Psalm 42:1 Have a lovely restful Sunday.
Read PostAs the deer thirsts for streams of water, so I thirst for you, dear God. Psalm 42:1 Have a lovely restful Sunday.
Read PostThe Complicated Heart: Loving Even When It Hurts by Sarah Mae My rating: 5 of 5 stars I didn’t realize how much I needed to read this book! The Complicated Heart is really a memoir of two women, a mother and her daughter. The author is the daughter and she adds some of her mothers […]
Read PostThis morning I needed to remember what it was God had invited me to at the beginning of this year. The repeated words of Jesus as Mary sat at His feet learning. Sometimes when God is trying to get my attention it seems He uses the same words and themes, but all from different people […]
Read PostKnowing who you are in Christ looks like a person choosing continually to lay God’s guidelines before awake and opened eyes. A veil is lifted so we can see spiritually hidden things. It is a belief that He is personal. It is knowing for certain you are a soul enfleshed, fearfully and wonderfully made for […]
Read PostTo my small world of writing, reading, and trying to live a life observed yet still fully lived. To being fully alive, a soul with a body and a mind in tow. My hope is to experience all that God has created me to be, even if sometimes I take the long and drawn out […]
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