A House That Feels Like Home
A home is a kingdom of its own in the midst of the world, a stronghold amid life’s storms and stresses, a refuge, even a sanctuary. - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
It’s brick and stone say, “far enough.” It’s door politely asks, “knock first.” It’s front garden reveals, “they sip coffee early in the morning here, there in the wicker chairs behind the purple iris’s.” The foyer forgets to be modest and proclaims to everyone, “forgive the shoes, and jackets, and piles of mail, the mud and the dog leash, it’s all a bit messy, but it’s nicer once your inside.”
Imagine a house giving away all the little clues of your life and your habits. Yet at the same time it’s exterior and doors protect and provide a barrier from the outside world that needs permission to enter. Imagine home a kingdom of it’s own. Bonhoeffer would know, wouldn’t he? He wasn’t one to take home for granted.
But, it is so easy to take it for granted. To think it doesn’t really matter or to the other extreme, thinking it matters so much. The home you create out of the house you have, it does matter. It isn’t degrading to have a home and keep it nice, to paint walls, make beds, and cook food. It’s kind to create something cozy and soft out of what used to be stark, bare and hard.
Remembering it isn’t the house that makes a home, that is what keeps you from being a slave to a house. Certainly a house can become a prison. I’ve been in houses like that. I’m always happy to get out unscathed except for maybe feeling a little unwanted and unimportant compared to clean floors and done dishes.
We can either build our house up or tear our house down with our own hands. We can embrace this space whether small or large. If God has given it to you and you are thanking Him for it then you are home.